Anthony Aycock

United States

I am a writer, teacher, and librarian. The nerdy trifecta.

A regular book reviewer for Blue Ink Review, and a frequent contributor to Medium and Information Today, I have also written for Slate, the Washington Post, Literary Hub, Reactor (formerly, the Missouri Review, the Gettysburg Review, Ploughshares, Creative Nonfiction, and other venues.

In addition, I have spent 24 years working in government, academic, and private law libraries, as well as teaching academic and creative writing. I have received grant support from the De Groot Foundation, the Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland County, and the United Arts Council of Raleigh and Wake County.

My first book, The Accidental Law Librarian, was released in 2013.

More about me: I collect rare books; love football and basketball; live near Raleigh, NC with my wife, two sons, and a dubious cat; have another son in Iowa; and pretend to eat vegetables but really just move them around on my plate.

Need a freelance editor for your story, essay, or book manuscript? Drop me an email! Rates begin at $3 per page.


Essays & Articles

The Weirdness of Ambrose Bierce

Bierce left an indelible mark on American literature, even if he's mainly remembered for just one famous story...

The Missouri Review
Growing Up PK

Review essay of books by and about preachers' kids


The Writing Cooperative
An Interview with David Grann

The author of Killers of the Flower Moon discusses his method, his materials, and being an “opessimist.”

An Interview with Bart Ehrman

The author of Misquoting Jesus discusses his writing process, his faith journey, and why truth matters in the age of coronavirus.

The Missouri Review
A Conversation with Nathaniel Philbrick

The author of In the Heart of the Sea talks writing, Moby-Dick (he's read the novel a dozen times), and whether he plans to give up writing for acting.



Honors and Awards

The de Groot Foundation
2024 Writer of Note

One of 32 award recipients selected from 1800+ applicants